struct _Global_erwin_type_t / _Global_erwin_type_t
Concrete Class
Detailed Descriptions
#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)
Global_erwin_kind_t kind
#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)
char const * name
#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)
size_t size
For all but vector and string: the size of this type in sizeof(char).
vector: sizeof the nentries slot.
string: NYI
#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)
size_t nentries
array: number of elements
enum: number of values
struct: number of slots
union: number of choices
vector: the offset in the surrounding struct of the slot giving the length
else: 0
#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)
Global_erwin_type_t_const_p element
pointer/vector/array/string: element type
else: NULL
#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)
Global_erwin_slot_t_const_p slot
struct: slots,
enum: values
union: choices
else: NULL